By 3.7 min readPublished On: 27/10/2021Categories: digital banking

Tough time for banks to really delight a customer nowadays as having a unique offering at the market is close to impossible and delivering a 5-star product or a service is something customers consider as a regular thing.

So what has been left to us in order to really delight our customers as a bank?

Only one thing – providing a superb customer experience across all touchpoints.

Why is being easily approachable a No1 priority for the banks that would like to delight customers?

As we said, delivering a great product or a service as a bank is a must and the only opportunity to truly delight a customer is actually at the moment of customer support (and challenging times) or at the moment of a customer onboarding process, making it easier than ever before for them to sign up with your bank.

That is exactly why many banks use different solutions such as call centers or emails in order to instantly engage with a customer.

And there is nothing fundamentally wrong with that.

Call centers or emails make it quite easy for a customer to approach the bank and engage with the agent.

But, there is one catch – a call center or an email is just a starting point of an excellent customer experience.

And all of it starts with differentiating engaging channels from full digital banking solutions.

Engaging channels Vs digital banking solution

A full digital banking solution combines multiple different communication channels and processes and integrates them into one with the ultimate goal of smooth digital customer onboarding and customer serving process.

For instance, Asee Digital Banking solution combines many different communication channels (traditional and modern) and processes (such as video identification and electronic signing) in order to digitally onboard customers from anywhere at any time having no human interaction in between (or at least as less as possible).

Because of given accessibility and availability, banks that are using digital banking solutions are increasing their customer lifetime value faster than ever before by significantly reducing customer churn and increasing customer satisfaction over all touchpoints with the bank.

The Top 4 things that delight digital bank users

Several things delight digital bank users, however, we have decided to present the top four most enchanting digital banking benefits that users find magnificent:

  1. Modernity,
  2. Cross-device availability,
  3. Multiple processes working as one,
  4. Efficiency and last but not least


Anyone who has experienced the onboarding process through digital banking solutions (like Digital Origination) will be delighted with the modernity of the given solution.

Unlike telephone or email communication users who encounter a modern digital onboarding process that includes everything from a video identification and digital signing process, are pleasantly surprised by the level of service and the speed & availability of the bank to serve them and process required actions.

Cross-device availability

Digital bank users are just delighted with the 24/7 cross-device availability that digital banking solutions offer.

Being available at the right moment from the right device is an essential part of a great customer experience for your banking customer.

When a customer request occurs – no matter if it is a new bank account opening or a fraud claim – bank availability is a crucial part of customer satisfaction.

That is why integrated digital banking solutions create a „wow“ customer effect.

Multiple processes working as one

Availability and modernity are possible only because of the multiple different banking processes are consolidated into one solution.

As we mentioned before, Asee Digital Banking solution covers anything from digital customer onboarding, responding to diverse customer requirements, or enabling real-time loans (and many more processes) for customers all over the world.


Customers in any industry don’t like to be put on hold or on a waiting list and banks are no different.

Many potential banking customers will hang up immediately starting the process and go after the competition that serves their needs in a more effective (digital) way.

Digital Banking Avatar, your ideal banking employee for the 21st century

All of these features, and many more.

Asee Digital Banking solution is a platform for modern banking business.

It supports different banking processes and integrates them into one solution for twenty-first-century delivering in superior banking service.

Asee Digital Banking consists out of several modules, like Digital Edge and Digital Origination that covers many different processes such as real-time loan approval, video identification, security login options, and many more.